十宜屋の前身は「錦商会」(初代 牟田良七、二代目 牟田嘉吉)といい、明治時代から京都 新門前通りで有田、唐津などの陶磁器を海外などに販売しておりました。時を隔てて平成26年1月、この地に新たに宿を開業しました。
宿として使用する建物は明治中頃及び、大正時代に建てられた 祇園町家造りになっており、古き良き日本の風情を残し、またそれをお客様に御堪能していただきたく形や風情をそのまま残しつつ、より過ごしやすく改築したものとなっております。
About Jeugiya Inn
Jeugiya Inn was born in January 2014 to provide a house for tourists who come to stay in Kyoto. Jeugiya is located in Gion, Higashiyama-ward where a lot of restaurants and shops are located, and its location is also very convenient for guests to go various places and spots in Kyoto. Jeugiya Inn itself is a quite old Kyoto house built 100 years ago, but with modern renovation. As with the nature of Kyoto old “Machiya” style house, the inn has two gardens, which guests can enjoy the view from any place inside the inn.
As a Jeugiya Inn accepts only one group/guest and provide with exclusive services.
Jeugiya Inn can be also used for a party, a tea ceremony, etc., using whole house area. Jeugiya Inn’s next door is Gallery Jeugiya, a sister company under Jeugiya Limited, a Japanese antique shop.
Yasunari Kawabata, a Nobel prize laureate in literature, once visited Juegiya’s site and praised it saying “ The house remains old Kyoto style atmosphere”.
It was more than a half century ago but we think Jeugiya still keeps the air.